“I have no idea where I would be today if it weren’t for my male champion, Paul Keenan. He is a partner at a large NYC-based law firm. He also is the world’s greatest father to 3 children; I hope they realize how blessed they are! Paul hired me as his legal secretary when I was just 22.
He was the busiest person I had ever met and yet he always made time for me. He is intelligent (both book smart and street smart) but has no ego, PLUS he has a fantastic sense of humor and a good attitude. How lucky was I to have this role model and mentor right out of college? I’ve always tried to emulate him.
A year after I started working for Paul I began evening law school while continuing to work full-time. I was very intimidated by how intelligent my professors were. Paul gave me confidence and perspective by telling me that my professors taught the same thing every semester, and that they were not any more intelligent than I was. With finals around the corner, my fellow students were stressing out big-time, which was causing me to also stress out. Paul noticed my demeanor and told me very simply “Amy, you’re not a serious person, so stop taking it seriously.” I followed his advice, was true to myself, and ended up making law review, getting a scholarship and graduating with honors. At the firm I was promoted to paralegal and then after graduation was hired as an associate.
Paul has given me so much (including his family’s old furniture when I moved into my own apartment!) and more importantly, lots of good advice. I still don’t make major life decisions without consulting him. He would help me with my car when it was acting up, which was often. He helped me in getting my parents out of a legal timeshare ownership mess. When I bought a condo, he was my lawyer. The list goes on.
Working in commercial real estate, which is very much a boy’s club, Paul always made me feel safe and like I belonged. He made me feel like I was home, which fostered an environment that allowed me to grow into the person I am today, and I really like and am proud of myself. Thank you, Paul, for being in the corner of my court.”
– Amy, Attorney, New York City